Bouquet of Goodbyes
Goodbyes. They can be casual, bittersweet, celebratory, emotional, and sometimes even final. Bouquet of Goodbyes is an assortment of stories reflecting on that theme, some new, others previously published and prize-winning – appearing in places like Popshot Quarterly, FlashFlood and Foliate Oak Literary Magazine. The chapbook was selected for publication as the Sampson Low Director's Project for 2023, making it their 47th chapbook published to date.
"Bouquet of Goodbyes is utterly breathtaking; a powerful chapbook of ingenious short stories, published by Sampson Low. Beautifully written, heart-captivatingly emotive and memorable. I love every word and it will stay with me! Strongly recommended!” Chris Laoutaris, Author of Shakespeare and the Countess and Bleed and See Contents Worth a Thousand Words Glasses Raised to the Glass Ceiling World Weary The Damsel of Dragmire Spire Impossible Goodbyes Siren's Call Teddy's Little Secret Illustrations by Alban Low. Design by Carina Low. Publisher: Sampson Low. Publication Date: 5th October 2023 The chapbook can be purchased online for £2.99 from the Sampson Low website. |